Adverb of
Time: - Today = Hari ini
- Now = Sekarang
- Then = Kemudian/lalu
- Tonight = Malam ini
- Tomorrow = Besok
- Yesterday = Kemarin
- Just now = Tadi
- Soon = Bentar
- Later = Nanti
- Next year = Tahun depan
- Next Month = Bulan depan
- Next time = Lain kali
- In the future = Lain kali
- Last year = Tahun lalu
- Last month = Bulan lalu
- Last week = Minggu lalu
- Last monday = Senin lalu
- This monday = Senin ini
- Next monday = Senin depan
- Next week = Minggu depan
- This week = Minggu ini
- This morning = Pagi ini
- This afternoon = Siang ini
- This evening = Sore ini
- Annually = Setiap tahun
- Monthly = Setiap bulan
- Weekly = Setiap minggu
- Daily = Setiap hari
- Everyday = Setiap hari
- Immediately = Langsung/segera
Manner: - Slowly = pelan-pelan
- Happily = Bahagia
- Greedily = Serakah
- Carefully = Dengan hati-hati
- Clearly = Jelas
- Closely = Rapat/Dekat-dekat
- Angrily = Dengan marah
- Sadly = Dengan sedih
- Loudly = Keras
- Quietly = Diam-diam
- Beautifully = Indah
- Hardly = Hampir tidak
- Barely = Hampir tidak
- Rarely = Jarang
- Abnormally = Tidak normal
- Easily = Mudah
- Badly = Dengan buruk
- Amazingly = Luar biasa
- Disgustingly = Menijijikan
- Speedily = Cepat
- Stealthily = Diam-diam
- Fondly = Sayang
- Foolishly = Bodohnya
- Straight = Lurus
- Stupidly = Bodoh
- Wisely = Bijaksana
- Fortunately = Untungnya
- Unfortunately = Sayangnya
- Honestly = Sejujurnya
- Generously = Dengan murah hati
Place: - Above = Diatas
- Here = Disini
- There = Disana
- Below = Dibawah
- Ahead = Didepan
- Infront = depan
- Behind = Dibelakang
- Backwards = Mundur
- Forwards = Maju
- In = dalam/masuk
- Out = Keluar
- Up = Atas/Naik
- Down = Bawah
- Left = Kiri
- Right = Kanan
- North = Utara
- North west = Barat laut
- West = Barat
- South west = Barat daya
- South = Selatan
- South east = Tenggara
- East = Timur
- North East = Timur laut
- Some where = Di suatu tempat
- Back = Kembali
- Left side = Sisi kiri
- Right side = Sisi kanan
- Upwards = Ke atas
- Downwards = Ke bawah
- Around = Sekitar
- Nearby = Terdekat
Degree: - lots = Banyak
- barely = Hampir tidak
- nearly = hampir
- intensely = intes
- enormously = sangat besar
- little = sedikit/kecil
- far = jauh
- fully = sepenuhnya
- somewhat = agak
- much = banyak
- perfectly = sempurna
- absolutely = sangat
- extremely = sangat
- least = paling sedikit
- incredibly = luar biasa
- almost = hampir
- rather = lebih tepatnya
- enough = cukup
- entirely = seluruhnya
- thoroughly = secara menyeluruh
- really = betulkah
- badly = dengan buruk
- greatly = sangat
- very = sangat
- too = juga/kebanyakan
- hardly = hampir tidak
- just = hanya
Frequency: - always = selalu
- usually = biasanya
- normally = biasanya
- generally = umumnya
- often = sering
- sometimes = kadang-kadang
- daily = setiap hari
- yearly = tahunan
- monthly = bulanan
- annually = tahunan
- occasionally = kadang-kadang-
- hardly ever = hampir tidak pernah
- rarely = jarang
- everyday = setiap hari
- every now and then = sesekali
- never = tidak pernah
- seldom = jarang
- eventually = akhirnya
- seldom = jarang
- ever = pernah
- every month = setiap bulan
- every year = setiap tahun
- every week = setiap minggu
- Frequently = Sering
- Normally = Biasanya
- Once a year = setahun sekali
- Twice a week = Dua kali seminggu
- Once a day = Sehari sekali
- Regularly = Teratur
- Hourly = Setiap jam
What is an Adverb?
A word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group, expressing a relation of place, time, manner, degree, and frequency.
Apa itu Adverb / kata keterangan / kata tambahan ?
kata atau frasa yang mengubah atau mengkualifikasikan kata sifat, kata kerja, atau kata keterangan lain atau kelompok kata, yang menyatakan hubungan tempat, waktu, cara, derajat, dan frekuensi.
What is the adverb of Time?
An adverb of time can tell us about when an action happens.
What is the adverb of Manner?
An adverb of manner describes how you do an action.
What is the adverb of Place?
Adverbs of place tell us where something happens. Adverbs of place are usually placed after the main verb or after the clause that they modify. Adverbs of place do not modify adjectives or other adverbs.
What is the adverb of Degree?
An adverb of degree is employed in a sentence to depict the intensity or degree of an adjective, verb or another adverb. It usually answers the question to what extent. They are normally positioned before the word they are modifying.
What is the adverb of Frequency?
An adverb of frequency is a word that is employed in a sentence to give more information about the verb, adjective or another adverb. Adverbs of frequency can be placed after the noun or pronoun that acts as the subject and before the verb if there is just one verb in a sentence.
Maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu!